Many people have researched the benefits from ingesting fresh, fermented foods, like keir, which are full of Friendly Bacteria. Claimed benefits include that: they manufacture B-vitamins, such as biotin, niacin(B3),pyridoxine(B6) and folic acid by providing the enzyme lactase they enhance, and indeed allow, the digestion of milk based foods, and the vital calcium which they […]
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Kefir contains a small amount of alcohol compared to the most common fermentations, the alcoholic degree is around less than 1%. It can vary according to the length of fermentation and the method of preparation (aerobic or anaerobic), but when the fermentation is too long (more than three to four days), the high acidity makes the product unfit for consumption. These long fermented "strong" kefirs can be used as natural preservatives.
The name "kefir", which designates the product obtained, should not be confused with "kefir grains", which are amalgamations of micro-organisms that are used to seed the drink.
Featured Articles
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Kefir
Here are the most frequently asked questions about kefir and the answers you want to know: Fermentation Time? In general, the amount of time needed to complete the fermentation of kefir is determined by how active your grains are, the grains to milk (or other medium) ratio and temperature. Kefir made with established kefir grains […]
Fermented Milk Products
With the development of microbiological and nutritional sciences in the late 19th century came the technology necessary to produce cultured dairy products on an industrial or commercial basis. Fermented milks had been made since early times, when warm raw milk from cows, sheep, goats, camels, or horses was naturally preserved by common strains of Streptococcus […]
How To Make Kefir
If you are wondering “What You Do With Kefir Grains?”, do not worry. We are going to explain you the common way of brewing kefir. How to make Kefir from your culture Drain contents of jar (whey & culture) through strainer. Place culture into a clean container of full cream milk (about 300 mls), thickened […]
Kefir & Beauty
Kefir for pleasure, beauty and well-being. It’s quite interesting to look back in history and to read that the beautiful queen of Egypt bathed in fermented milk and that her skin was so beautiful that we still talk about it. We learn from history for the present and the future. If rich people can afford […]
Kefir History
Kefir is a fermented milk similar to yoghurt. It is one of the oldest cultured milk products in existence, enjoying widespread popularity in Russia and the Caucasus. The word kefir comes from a language of the Caucasus, where it has been drunk since at least ancient times. According to another version, this word would come […]
Kefir Nutrition And Other Facts
Micro Organisms in Kefir Saccharomyces kefir Torula kefir Lactobacillus caucasicus Leuconnostoc species Lactic streptococci Some yeasts Interesting Facts Kefir dates back to the shepherds of the Caucasus mountains. They discovered that fresh milk carried in leather pouches would occasionally ferment into an effervescent beverage. Its uniqueness from all other cultured milk products is the presence […]
What Is Kefir?
Kefir…What is it? Kefir is like yoghurt…..but in our opinion much better. It is great sweetened with honey and fantastic with fruit, maple syrup, cereals, in smoothies or even on baked potatoes and salad. Kefir originated in the northern area of the Caucasus Mountains, here it was called “Airan” and was usually made with cows […]